Achieve Better Grades with Expert One-on-One Tutoring

Get personalized support from experienced tutors who make learning stress-free. 98% of our students see improved grades in just two months!

Curriculums We Support

  1. IB MYP and DP

    Age 11-18

    80+ IB DP Senior Tutors and Examiners globally.

  2. IGCSE

    Age 13-16

    35+ IGCSE tutor from top global international schools.

  3. AP

    Age 15-18

    Get exam support to Ace your AP exams and get college credit!

  4. SAT

    Age 16-18

    We’ve helped over 200 students score above a 33+.

  5. ACT

    Age 16-18

    We’ve helped over 200 students score above a 33+.

  6. See rapid improvements in your grades!

    Speak to an advisor
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Students tutored in academics globally

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Senior tutors, examiners and coaches


Hours of private 1-1 tutoring and content


Of our students show grade improvements

Where are you in your academic journey?

  • Ahead of The Curve

    Starting the IB or IGCSE next year? Start strong by mastering grading and exam formats now.

    Fundamentals Focus

    Tailored Study Plans

    Custom schedules focusing on essential topics and strategies.

    Subject Selection Guidance

    Help you choose the right subjects for your dream college and major.

    Early Academic Preparation

    Begin foundational learning to gain a competitive edge.

  • Need An Extra Push

    Familiar with the material but stuck on exam techniques? We're here to elevate your skills.

    Intensive Exam Help

    Detailed Feedback Guidance

    Get detailed feedback from our senior tutors and examiners.

    Strategic Exam Training

    Master the art of structuring your answers for top scores.

    Procrastination Solutions

    Performance coaches to keep your studies on track.

  • S.O.S - Help Now!

    Trouble with fundamental concepts causing you to fall behind in class? Fast-track your growth with us.

    Rapid Improvements

    Intensive Concept Review

    Quick, effective sessions to understand basic principles.

    Catch Up Action Plans

    Customized plans to help you recover and keep pace.

     Practice, practice, practice!

    Custom tests to improve learning and assess progress.

Regardless of your circumstances, we're committed to helping you achieve your academic goals.

Speak to an advisor today!

Why Choose Online Tutoring with Ascend Now?

Over seven years, we’ve perfected a strategy that doesn’t just match your child with a tutor but provides a dedicated team to support their academic journey. Ascend Now isn’t just tutoring—it’s a pathway to success.