5 Defining Traits that Build an IBDP Student

AcademicsIBDP > 5 Defining Traits that Build an IBDP Student

By Sara Zaki > LAST MODIFIED DATE: 04 July 2023 > In AcademicsIBDP

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Students who complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are usually well-prepared for success in college and beyond. But precisely what is an IB student? What distinguishes them from other students and characterizes them? According to the IB Learner Profile, a collection of qualities that IB World Schools emphasize, these are the top 5 characteristics of IB Diploma students:

1. Inquirers:

An IB student is an inquirer: someone who develops skills for investigation, and is familiar with both independent and collaborative learning. Inquirers have a passion for learning and keep it alive throughout their lives. They draw on existing knowledge, think critically, creatively, and reflectively, conduct research, gather information, and analyze their results. They are urged to cultivate their innate curiosity and demonstrate initiative when learning.

Students need to learn how to ask the correct questions and look for answers in meaningful ways if they want to develop into influential inquirers. Moreover, the IB framework encourages students to explore all levels of inquiry and delve deeply into their research subject. It also encourages them to look for ways that they may use the knowledge they have acquired to make a difference as sincere learners.

By encouraging their children to explore their interests and pose questions at home, parents can assist them in becoming home inquirers. To learn more about topics of interest, suggestions include going to places that pique curiosity, such as museums, parks, or nature reserves, and checking out books from the library. Parents should also go over their report cards with their children to encourage them to reflect on their learning.

2. Knowledgeable:

A student who critically examines ideas with both local and global importance is one who is knowledgeable. They build a broad range of expertise across several fields and obtain in-depth understanding. A knowledgeable IB learner goes beyond the obvious and exercises critical thinking as they work through challenges in their daily life. They are passionate about studying and possess a love of knowledge.

Because the IB learner profile emphasizes the value of investigating concepts and ideas, IB students need to obtain this quality. Students can gain a wider perspective, become more informed and active global citizens, and build a broader viewpoint with this attribute. The IB Diploma Programme also mandates that students take courses in six distinct subject areas, giving them a broad knowledge base and a well-rounded education.

Parents can foster knowledge in their children by encouraging them to follow current events by reading or watching the news. Also, parents should be knowledgeable about the IB program and its guiding principles. On top of that, they can assist their children by giving them research advice and assisting them in identifying safe areas of interest. Last but not least, parents can support their children’s growth in critical thinking abilities, a crucial aspect of the IB curriculum.

3. Thinkers:

The learner profile also emphasizes having critical thinking skills. IB students who are thinkers take the initiative to use their critical and creative thinking skills to identify and solve complicated situations and make judgment calls that are informed by their morals and ethics. Regardless of the issue’s complexity, they take a creative and analytical approach.

Students should acquire the four types of thinking skills—analytical thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, and practical thinking—in order to develop this quality. The simplest form of reasoning, analytical thinking, is most prevalent among students who do not have access to opportunities to practice higher-order thinking skills. Critical thinking is the ability to assess the accuracy and importance of information after thorough consideration. Meanwhile, the ability to come up with new ideas and solve problems is referred to as creative thinking. Lastly, practical thinking is the ability to adapt knowledge and skills to specific situations.

Parents may help their children grow into thinkers by encouraging critical thinking abilities. This can involve guiding them to examine their own values and views, instructing them to see contradictions in arguments, and encouraging them to think for themselves.

4. Communicators:

A student who is a communicator understands and communicates concepts and information with creativity and assurance in multiple formats. This indicates that they are proficient communicators in speech, writing, and possibly art, music, dance, and theater. Additionally, they have the capacity and desire to cooperate well with others.

Success in a variety of spheres of life, such as relationships, academic endeavors, and professional jobs, depends on effective communication. That is why this attribute is stressed throughout the IBDP program.

By having meaningful interactions with them, parents can mentor their children in developing conversational skills. They can take turns speaking and listening to each other about daily happenings, as well as promote active listening and empathy.

5. Principled:

IB students who conduct themselves with integrity and honesty also exhibit a strong sense of justice, fairness, and respect for the worth of others. Above everything else, they value honesty, integrity, and fairness. They accept accountability for their choices and the results they bring about. Even if they are the only ones, they stand on principle.

The IB program expects students to act responsibly and ethically in all facets of their academic lives. Maintaining academic integrity encourages moral behavior and ethical teaching. Furthermore, the IB assessments can only be fair if all students are given an equal chance, and they must accurately reflect a student’s achievement in order to be valid.

Parents can help their children develop integrity by forming trusting relationships with them to encourage honesty. It’s also important for them to enlighten their children about the distinction between right and wrong while promoting thoughtful behavior.

Other characteristics

Besides these five characteristics, the learner profile also encourages being open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. These character attributes should be cultivated by IB students throughout their academic careers because they are crucial to their success in the IB Diploma Programme.


In a nutshell, an IB student is a well-rounded person who possesses a distinctive set of qualities that distinguish them from other pupils. They ultimately transform into individuals who are dedicated to changing the world for the better.


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