
We all know how challenging IBDP can be. Let’s face it, a prominent diploma such as this calls for a great deal of hard work. Despite the fact that it demands intellectual effort, IB can really foster your child’s emotional and personal development. It doesn’t just push students to thrive academically but it also urges them to be in touch with themselves. I mean, excelling in the classroom is just a fraction of what IB is all about. So here’s a wake-up call to all concerned parents out there! If the thought of your child spending a couple of years solely immersed in textbooks intimidates you, know that this program is much more than that. Keep on reading to find out how IBDP can help your son or daughter grow personally.

1. Encouraging a good balance between academics and recreational activities:

There appears to be a widespread notion that taking the IB implies little time for your kid’s activities except studying or completing assignments. On the contrary, maintaining a healthy balance between academics and hobbies is a fundamental aspect of the IB experience.  Actually, participation in extracurricular activities is required for the IB’s CAS (creativity, action, and service) component. Since it fosters a feeling of balance and community, CAS is essential since it genuinely helps students grow, personally and socially, via experiential learning. It offers chances for independent decision-making and teamwork, encouraging a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from their work (Chakravarti, 2022).

However, it’s also important to consider whether your child’s extracurricular activities are actually of great and direct value to their inner student and their academic journey. Their hobbies and activities should help to reduce the typical stress that goes along with school.

2. Emphasizing originality of thought:

IB demonstrates exactly how beneficial it is in expanding its students’ minds and driving them to step out of their comfort-zone. Through its emphasis on critical thinking, interdisciplinary learning, open-ended learning, self-directed learning, supportive classroom atmosphere, and chances for problem-solving in the actual world, the IB curriculum fosters creativity. This is probably the main reason behind the challenging nature of the program as a whole; the more stimulating it is, the more likely students are to reach their potential in the realm of creative thinking.

3. Having a learner’s profile that emphasizes the importance of personal qualities:

In general, the IB program is committed to the development of students according to its learner profile. But “what exactly is this?”, you might be asking. The IB’s learner’s profile is one that aims to develop learners who are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective (IBO, 2022). 

Now here’s where it gets interesting: a lot of these traits have to do with one’s character and emotions rather than just intellectual ability. Reflecting, striking a balance, taking chances, being open-minded, caring, thinking, and speaking are all life skills that are just as useful outside of the classroom as they are within, and they are cultivated both inside and outside of the learning environment. In many respects, the collaborative abilities students develop via lab or projects are similar to those they develop through participation on a sports team or in an orchestra (IBO, 2022). Any of these environments teach them how to interact with others, cooperate, and work towards a common objective. You see how personal growth takes place here?

4. Offering a highly customized learning experience

Essentially, IB students are encouraged to profoundly customize their learning experiences meaning that they get to select the courses they would like to take corresponding to each difficulty level. You might wonder, “how does this influence my kid’s personal development?” Well, personalization inspires them to fully interact with what they have studied and leaves them having learned everything they could have possibly wanted to know. The most important thing is that such students leave with a renewed feeling of respect and admiration for their hobbies and pursuits. Because learning eventually transcends the four walls of the classroom, their identities as students, scholars, and potential world leaders are far from constrained to what they do in school (IBO, 2022). In the end, IB students are aware that learning doesn’t start and stop within the school day. 

5. Teaching interpersonal and intercultural communication skills:

Fun fact: your child will be taught through the curriculum itself how to build interpersonal and intercultural communication skills. The program’s dedication to global education stems from the conviction that the best way to respect another person’s culture is to first feel secure in their own; its emphasis on global awareness goes beyond merely picking up a second language. For instance, students studying biology may learn about the typhoid bacteria and how it affects life expectancy in underdeveloped nations (The Global College). Furthermore, when studying local history, students may consider the larger historical framework, the implications of certain global events, and how they affect their local community (The Global College).


Ultimately, IB graduates are equipped with the knowledge and attitude necessary to flourish in our rapidly evolving society. They are able to address problems in ways that genuinely contribute to their chosen profession thanks to their capacity to think and work together across borders, cultures, and disciplines. An IB education continues to produce generations of problem solvers with the courage, creativity, and self-belief to embrace both their individual ambitions and their dreams for a better, more peaceful world. So, if you wish to see your child becoming a member of such generations, IB is the way to go!


Chakravarti, Priyasha. “Do I Have to Sacrifice My Extracurricular Activities for the Ib?” IBlieve, 12 Sept. 2020, 

Iborganization. “International Education.” International Baccalaureate®, 

Menéndez, Maripé. “What Makes an IB Education Unique?” The Global College, 7 Feb. 2023,